4 Steps to Creating Apache Kafka Connectors with the Kafka ... - Confluent Kafka Connect. kafka jdbc source connector multiple tables. In the example stocks_topic, the key is a basic string and the value is regular . I am trying to read 2 kafka topics using JDBC sink connector and upsert into 2 Oracle tables which I manually created it. Worker Configuration. if there are multiple updates, only the last committed update will be sent over in the topic. az storage container create \. The CreditCards tables has a FK to the Users table which is PublicId. The Kafka Connect cluster supports running and scaling out connectors (components that support reading and/or writing between external systems). As the connector reads changes and produces events, it periodically records the position of events in the database log (LSN / Log Sequence Number).If the connector stops for any reason (including communication failures, network problems, or crashes), after a restart the connector resumes reading the SQL Server CDC tables from the last . Check out this video to learn more about how to install JDBC driver for Kafka Connect. config. Debezium connector for SQL Server The Kafka Connect API also provides a simple interface for manipulating records as they flow through both the source and sink side of your data pipeline. Elasticsearch Service Sink Connector. The Connect Service is part of the Confluent platform and comes with the platform's distribution along with Apache Kafka. The JDBC driver can be downloaded directly from Maven and this is done as part of the container's start up. The connector polls data from Kafka to write to the database based on the topics subscription. allow multiple rows with same incrementing id to be picked #582 connector.class. JDBC Sink Connector fails -upserting into multiple tables from ... - GitHub