People were able to listen to the radio for important news instead of going outside to buy a newspaper. Industrial Corridors provide an effective way of achieving this by integrating industry and infrastructure. In 1803, a man named Samuel Homfray decided to fund the development of a steam-powered vehicle to replace the horse-drawn carts on the tramways. How Did Railroads Affect The Economy?Eventually, railways lowered the cost of transporting many kinds of goods across great distances. 9th - 12th grade. The industrial revolution gave many Immigrants the chance to travel to the United States where they were able to get jobs working in railroads, factories, potato picking, or any other jobs industries enabled them to do. Important Are Railroads to American Industrialization Also the share of capital in all earnings is about a quarter. 0. 18 How did transportation help the industrial revolution? There were three main types of transportation that increased during the Industrial Revolution: waterways, roads, and railroads. Americans in the early 1800s were a people on the move, as thousands left the eastern coastal states for opportunities in the West. sarah_florence8 . Important 8 months ago. The railroad and steel industry worked together, as the steel industry relied on the railroads for transportation throughout the country. Save. INDUSTRIAL 17 How did the railroads contribute to the rise of big business? History. Industrial Revolution Learn. Why were railroads so important to America’s second industrial revolution? by coachbcoffman_wh. This is when American development in industry started. Immigration During the Industrial Revolution Why Was The Industrial Revolution Important